Kyoto Ikkyudo

Kyoto Ikkyudo shichimi-togarashi
Kyoto Ikkyudo Schichimi Togarashi is a traditional seasoning mix of 7 spices, that was created almost 300 years ago. Kyoto based Ikky-udo has been a popular seller of condiments since 1892. Their proprietary blend or Schichimi Togarashi includes red pepper, white sesame seeds, aonori seaweed, mikan mandarin peel, sansho powder, hemp seeds, and poppy seeds. Crisp texture with toasted savory notes of umami, citrus and heat.
A go-to seasoning for grilled chicken, and a topping for crunchy vegetable salads, soups, and noodle dishes. Try it on crispy Brussels sprouts, sliced avocados, or even plain rice.